Ski Festival

MCS All School Ski Day 1/29

As you know, our first ski day is at Buttermilk on Wednesday, January 29th. Please read this email and linked/attached document carefully to help us prepare for an awesome day of skiing! Aspen Skiing Company graciously offers student and chaperone tickets and rentals at no cost to schools!

Your child is also coming home with paper copies of these documents today. We will collect a lunch count on Monday. Nial will be making sandwiches for us!


The MCS Ski Day Plan and Permission Form - This document contains the reverse bus schedulestudent groups and chaperone assignments, as well as  additional IMPORTANT information for students and chaperones. Also, you will find the following required forms linked in the MCS Ski Day Plan and attached.

  • Permission Form - Please sign and return this document to MCS by Monday, Jan. 27th
  • Rental Waivers - Please sign and return this document  to MCS by Monday, Jan. 27th if your child needs rental equipment. We also need your child’s weight and height.

  • Lesson Waivers - Please sign and return this document to MCS by Monday, Jan. 27th, if your child will be receiving a lesson.

We are super excited to go skiing/snowboarding together at Buttermilk! We greatly appreciate your support.The current forecast says that it will be sunny with a high of 28o on Wednesday.